Saturday, January 30, 2010


Marley and Mommy
Daddy, Marley and Shorty
Marley Walking on the SnowMarley and Daddy

We are snowed in! This is Marley's first experience out in the snow. She didn't stay out for too long because it was freezing. We got to see daddy sledding down the street, what a sight!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Marley is curious and gets into everything she is not suppose to. I was telling her NO the whole time she was reaching for the air freshener, but she completely blocked me out. She was set on touching it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shorty and the Black Eye

Our dog Shorty has fallen head over heels for Marley! He can't get enough kisses from her. Marley is currently sporting a black eye. She fell down at her Grandma Flanagan's house and hit her head on the coffe table and well you can see the result. It hasn't slowed her down a bit!

Monday, January 25, 2010


One more picture from Sophie's Party
What a big girl!
I'm not doing anything?
Marley loves to get into the pots and pans. I am so scared that she is going to drop one on her foot. She will pull every single last one out.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Marley at Sophie's Party

Marley helping Sophie open presents
Playing in the balls
Marley likes Ketchup

Marley's friend Sophie had her first birthday party this weekend. She decided to help open presents, later on she also helped eat the cake.. whoops! She has been into EVERYTHING today! This morning she somehow pulled the plastic outlet cover out and put it in her mouth, she almost choked. Then she found a small shampoo bottle and ended eating shampoo. So all in one day she ate ketchup, icing on Sophie's cake and shampoo.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Patty Cake

Marley and Cousin Shayden

Marley Sleeping

Cousin Shayden is in town this week and she and Marley have had so much fun! They have torn Grandma Flanagan's house apart! Looks like Marley was exhausted from all the running around.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


After looking at the blog again I decided that I needed to add a picture of the family. Now everyone can tell how much Marley looks like her daddy! She does have her mommy's dimples though.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Just Hanging out!

Marley was busy as usual over the weekend. I took her for a stroll Sunday in her pink car, she had a blast. She loves to honk the horn!
Her Grandpa Flanagan came over to see her and gave her a bite of a pickle and she wanted more; I couldn't believe that she liked it.
Then she helped her daddy clean the house.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Daddy and Marley

Unfortunatley Marley is not feeling well today. She has had a cold before, but this is the worst thus far. Today I was feeding her some Cheerios and she picked one up and handed it to Shorty, he is REALLY in love with her now. She is able to give him treats! He has followed her around ALL day. It is so amazing how the smallest things can light up your day!