Sunday, June 13, 2010


We has so much fun today watching Marley play in her pool. She was splashing water EVERYWHERE. She would get out and when she tried to get back in she would fall. It took a few times of doing this before she eventually got it down. Shorty came over and got a drink a couple of times. After being outside for thirty minutes we decided to wrap it up, but Marley wasn't ready.... she cried and cried until she fell asleep.


Marley and Chris
Marley in her bathing suit
Marley and Mommy in the pool
Marley in the tub
I see that wink!!!
Its been about a month since my last blog. Since then Marley had tubes put in her ears and they seem to be working well. The procedure took about 10 minutes and we could tell she was already feeling better later that day. This past week Marley started saying her ABC's.... we couldn't believe it! She can say A-I. She can basically repeat or try and repeat what you are saying to her. She has been eating like crazy! She loves guacamole, hummas, watermelon and waffles. So far there is nothing that she won't eat- she must get that from her mom.
Its so funny, my mother gave her a baby doll and she will put it in her grocery cart and push it around the house... I guess we need to buy her a stroller.
I took her to Chris's house to swim in the pool and she loved the water. She didn't want to get in her floaty, but as long as I was holding her she was fine. She splashed and splashed. I would put her out to "test"the water and she just kicked and kicked around in the water, it was so adorable!