Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shayden Turns 2-Dallas

Shayden is already 2... I can't believe it! We traveled to Dallas to visit with her for her birthday. We went to the zoo and the stockyards. At the stockyards there was a petting zoo that the girls LOVED! Marley wanted to see all the animals, but was too scared to touch them. Shayden on the other hand wanted to pet them all. The girls had such a great time playing together. We miss you Shayden.


We took Marley to the Pumpkin Patch and had a great time. She enjoyed petting all the animals and playing on the swings and slides. It was perfect outside. There wasn't a ton of people so we were able to walk around and enjoy everything. Marley kept saying "pumpkin pumpkin!"

Mommy and Marley
Nana and Marley
Marley Swinging