Saturday, March 20, 2010

I love this picture... wish I could change the background
Marley's first slide experience
I love being outside
Trying to feed herself

We are loving the time change! More daylight after work, who can beat that! I took Marley to the park to try out the slide and it was a hit. I am ready for Spring to get here. I let Marley feed herself the other night and she knows that the spoon goes in her mouth, but she doesn't realize that she can't grab the food too... it was a complete mess. I turned around for one second and her suction bowl went flying through the air; at this point dinner was over!!! LOL She loves to play hide and seek. Her favorite spot is between the chair and ottoman. It's hilarious because she thinks we can't see her. I'm assuming she has learned this from our two dogs, Shorty and Macy.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Birthday Party

Cash with his balloon
All the kids playing
Ava and Cash
Mommy and Marley opening presents
Marley in her tutu


Marley with her new grocery cart
What is this??
I see you
Sugar Rush!!!!Papaw where is my tutu!?

Marley had her big birthday party today. She had so much fun playing with Shayden, Cash, Ava, Sophie and River. I bought balloons for the party and they were a hit. All the kids wanted to play with one. If you can't tell Cash LOVED his! Marley got a grocery cart, clothes, books, shoes, a piggy bank and even a bathing suit.... can't wait for the summer.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Birthday Cake

Marley before her cake
What is this??
How big of a mess can I make
Marley is 1!!!!! My little baby is already a year old. We took her to the doctor today for her 1 year check-up and she is in the 90th percentile in height (30.5 in.)and 48th for her weight (21 lbs.) She has done a complete 360 since her 6 month check-up. While we were visiting with her doctor we asked Marley to dance and she literally broke it ALL the way down to the floor and back up.... it was one of the funniest, yet embarring moments. I have never seen her move like that!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Potential Birthday Outfit
Rabbit Ears
Macy with Rabbit Ears
Marley Trying to Pet Macy with Rabbit Ears
I bought a pair of Rabbit Ears and NO one wanted to wear them. Marley was chasing the dogs around the house trying to pet them and give kisses. I also tried on birthday outfits and turns out my friend Tiffany is making tutu's now so she is making one for Marley... can't wait to see what it looks like.